Nov 3, 2021
'Ragi Cerelac recipe Ingredients 1. Ragi seeds-1cup 2. Moong dal - 1/2cup 3. Almonds- 5-8 How to prepare First wash Ragi seeds 3-4 times and keep it aside for draining. Make sure there is no dust and stones in it. Then wash Moong dal and almonds together. Heat up a pan and fry Ragi seeds until it is completely dry. Then fry Dal and almonds together for 6-7 mins. Allow it to cool down and then in a mixi jar grind all together into fine powder. Ragi Cerelac is ready. Keep in an airtight container for one month. #ragicerelac #babyfood #cerelacrecipe #ragiporridge #healthygrainrecipe #aryascookingsecrets'See also: